Abdel Kader Touré said:
Aussi important que soit ce rendez-vous, je trouve regrettable que la plupart des acteurs francophones du domaine ne puissent y participer faute de ne pouvoir communiquer en anglais. A l'avenir, il serait souhaitable que la plate forme soit également offerte en français.
Abdel Kader Touré said:This panel is most important and it is unfortunate that most of the actors speaking french cannot participate. In the future, I wish to see this panel also available in French.
Aussi important que soit ce rendez-vous, je trouve regrettable que la plupart des acteurs francophones du domaine ne puissent y participer faute de ne pouvoir communiquer en anglais. A l'avenir, il serait souhaitable que la plate forme soit également offerte en français.
Abdel Kader Touré said:This panel is most important and it is unfortunate that most of the actors speaking french cannot participate. In the future, I wish to see this panel also available in French.
Aussi important que soit ce rendez-vous, je trouve regrettable que la plupart des acteurs francophones du domaine ne puissent y participer faute de ne pouvoir communiquer en anglais. A l'avenir, il serait souhaitable que la plate forme soit également offerte en français.
Cher Abdel, merci pour votre message. Il me permet d'introduire la fonction Google située en haut de cette page qui offre la possibilité de dialoguer et traduire dans la langue de votre choix. Il s’agit d’un dialogue multilingue. Toutes contributions en Français et autres langues sont les bienvenues.
Terry Gibson said:
I feel that drawing together a thorough review of progress and constraints to the HFA is important. The HFA was itself a successor to the Yokohama strategy, the final review of which stated:
"In addition to a lack of systematic implementation, cooperation and reporting of progress to reduce risk and vulnerability to disasters, contributors to the Yokohama Review process have identified the following gaps and challenges . . ."
(UN Review of Yokohama Strategy:UNISDR, 2005 p.19.)
Several comments made in this discussion already suggest that implementation has similarly been a challenge for the HFA....
... I am not aware that these have been drawn together into a clear assessment of the outcomes of HFA and this is vital in supporting discussion and in designing a new framework. In short as the saying goes - those who ignore history are condemned to repeat it!
Jeong Park said:
Terry Gibson said:
I feel that drawing together a thorough review of progress and constraints to the HFA is important. Several comments made in this discussion already suggest that implementation has similarly been a challenge for the HFA....
I echo Terry's (GNDR) thought/view....
Now... With nearly two decades of the Yokohama Strategy and the HFA era, one might ask what happened with DRR? I know it is very simplistic question, but we need to know the answers. And these answers must be reflected/incorporated into the new strategy/framework. Jeong
In addition, would any of you be interested in voluntarily collaborating in developing a design for a TOR that aims to do what Jeong calls for, after doing a quick review of all the literature on this very subject produced so far by member states, regions, the UN agencies, UNISDR and GNDR's VFL (to name a reasonable sized sample). In doing so we may come up with some interesting answers and directions.
Looking forward for any traffic on this subject in the next few days. We will then report back on where this enterprise is at and seek further inputs during the second round of this first dialogue.