Hidetomi Oi said:
From Hidetomi Oi : "My suggestions relate to “What top three elements should be addressed in the Post 2015 Framework for DRR”, and partially to “How do we accelerate HFA implementation till 2015”.The three suggestions below are all for the promotion of community DRR, which have been consistently discussed in Global Platform meetings and MTR as well as online debates. I am calling for concrete actions.
1. Setting target
Please refer to Chair’s Summary of 2nd and 3rd Global Platform and MTR report: “setting targets can help to achieve the necessary momentum” and “would be helpful in encouraging governments, civil society…towards more accelerated implementation of HFA”. Targets were suggested for risk assessment, early warning systems etc.
My suggestion is “targeting community DRR”. Each country should have a sheet to list up all high risk communities and to show achievement in the past and plan in the future for each community. Based on this country sheet, a regional sheet should be prepared by regional organization and a global sheet by UNISDR, which should be shown on the website of respective organizations so as to be accessible by any in the world. A good initiative has just been taken by CDEMA for the Caribbean Region. The Form being used will be sent to you by separate mail,which well illustrates the system.
This monitoring will be helpful for government in implementation/budgeting in a more planned manner, and will make communities eager to accelerate DRR in competition with other communities in the country.
It is suggested that an agreement will be made at Global Platform 2013 to adopt such a monitoring system and at World Conference 2015 to implement DRR in all priority communities in the time frame of post-2015 frame.
............... read the other two suggestions in the original post
Dear colleagues,
Here is the CBDM progress monitoring form mentioned by Oi san, which was developed by CDEMA. There is a formatted version which we will share with you separately shortly.
CBDM Progress Monitoring Form
Example for Caribbean Region
Each state identifies highly vulnerable communities (1) and those where CBDM has been implemented* by 2012 (2); For the remaining communities, implementation schedule for 2013-2015 and beyond is to be prepared (3). The result is to be summarized regionally by CDEMA (4) and globally by ISDR Secretariat (5), and shown on their respective web-site for information sharing.
The unformatted version of this form is given below
Name of CDEMA member States ( 18)
Antigua & Barbuda
Trinidad and Tobago
Turks and Caicos Islands
Virgin islands
For each state, information is collected on
(1) Total number of highly vulnerable communities
(2) The number of communities where CBDM has been implemented *
(3) Implementation schedule for remaining communities
2013 2014 2015 beyond
(4) Regional summary by CDEMA
(5) Global summary by ISDR Secretariat
CDEMA has already begun gathering this information , and has concrete data for 5 of its 18 states. For example, Belize has 265 highly vulnerable communities and St. Lucia has 28.
Oi San's suggestion is important and I would encourage others to share information on similar efforts in other parts of the world.