What are your expectations from the consultation process towards the development of the Post-2015 Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction?
  • Welcome to the discussion! I look forward to hearing your views on the question above.
  • Today it become a challenge for all over the world how to overcome the Disaster Risk. i appreciate the steps forward for consultation and process from different school of thought how they look and what they think, after all give valuable suggestion and recommendation for improvement
  • Thanks for the great global initiative.
    Through consultation, I would like to see that the world community come up with real, fruitful and sustainable DRR model to benefit communities affected by disaster. Post 2015 I would like to see more action oriented work to help the affected communities around the world. Additionally, an earmarked category of solutions based on disasters and its effects i.e. flooding, cyclone, cold wave, flash flooding, earthquake, land slides and silent impact of climate change on food production cycle and system.
    All the best and good luck for the discussion.
    Nazmul, Practical Action Bangladesh
  • Hi this is Shazia Haris Advisor Media ERRA, from Islamabad Pakistan. As you know Pakistan not only faced one of the worlds worst earthquake in 2005, but has been facing unprecedented floods and a massive challange of recontruction and rehabilitation of the affectees.

    Though Pakistan presents a good case study of national and international partners efforts to reconstruct and rehabilitate affectees of earthquake affected areas, however, one of the biggest challange was managing expectations of the affectees and the donros during all these years. I hope the psychological aspects, and sepcially use of national and international media as a partner in notonly post disaster reconstruction but in disaster risk reduction are focused in this consultative period.

    We did have support from world bank on communication strategy, however, we found at times the meaning of communication versus media management and information dissemination remains ambiguous, with western counteries far ahead and the host country not fully understanding the demands of the funding agency. I wish that those who have been dealing with media in a disaster stricken country, specially representing the governmental agency become part of this dialogoue as they can give vital information to design programs for information dissemination and awareness raising as accepted culturally and not as per the demand of the donor agencies, which are deemed to fail as they do not fit the congnitive mindset that needs to be changed. The disaster prone behaviour at times is culturally nurtured, and to reduce risk taking and promote safety oriented behavioral change more and more people from the disaster hit counteries need to be part of the dialogue.

    I also expect that this forum will generate finds or at least recommend for funds for travel and stay expences of experts from third world or developing counteries as most of the time the south asian counteries can not have representation in such forums or conferences due to governments rules for no funding for travel abroad, which as a result leeds to lack of information of how to manage disasters in developing counteries in donor agencies and monitory funding bodies. Hope all this make some sense,

    Regards and wishes,

    Shazia Haris
    Advisor Media ERRA
    Ph 9030944
  • Success with this initiative! What are my expectations? I hope to see the new DRR framework which would allow for:

    1) integrated risk management (IRM) across both DRR and development programming
    2) better integration of DRR into development processes
    3) higher level of responsibilities of state actors towards DRR integration into all areas
    4) higher level of accountability of private actors towards DRR issues

  • Larger elements of DRR are definitely improved in many countries if we compare with the pre-HFA period. However, what is lagging currently is nitty gritties of DRR are still not being effectively managed (aspects such as mainstreaming into institutional processes, insufficient DRR funding, and unclear and insufficient regulations).

    I would like to see these that these nitty gritties of DRR are effectively addressed at national and sub-national systems so that DRR becomes a culture and not treated as a separate process to a greater extent.
  • I hope that these contributions help to form the DRR actions framework for all countries in the world. I am pleased to be a part of such a study.
  • To add, another nitty gritty of DRR that hasn't improved much is availability of reliable information on risks, vulnerabilities and capacities for decision making at various stages of disaster management for both institutions and individuals.

    Larger elements of DRR are definitely improved in many countries if we compare with the pre-HFA period. However, what is lagging currently is nitty gritties of DRR are still not being effectively managed (aspects such as mainstreaming into institutional processes, insufficient DRR funding, and unclear and insufficient regulations).

    I would like to see these that these nitty gritties of DRR are effectively addressed at national and sub-national systems so that DRR becomes a culture and not treated as a separate process to a greater extent.

  • Thanks for the great initiative..
    about development disaster risk reduction post 2015
    I would like to see the disaster risk reduction is not only at policy and consultation by the government but also affected in community through family and children around the world. I would like to see everyone have thought and understand and mindset about disaster risk reduction from all kind of disaster. it should be create awareness in their self about environmental condition. and it integrated for Gerashiaga (go Preparedness) to make safer, healthy, green, inclusion and child friendly supporting by family and community.

    thank you..
    best regards
    Yanti Sriyulianti, Family Educare Movement, Indonesia.
  • Many thanks for initiating this noble initiative. This discussion should be able to interrogate current approaches and thinking around DRR with a view to come up with an approach/model that is based on evidence of what works, an approach that is context-specific and multisectoral. Post 2015, we should have a DRR model that not only builds up from what has been known to work but also easily operationalizable at community and country level. A model that is not only easy to understand and translate into action but also informed by the specifics of each disaster scenario.

    Good luck!

    Maxwell V Madzikanga - Public Health Specialist, UK
  • Should able to integrate efforts made directly or indirectly by all individuals, organisations and countries. Should document and freely exchange experience learnt from various disasters.
  • Thanks for this opportunity.
    I think that the consultation process is one of the major medium through which extensive and objective ideas on DRR can be collated from experts with diverse perception and from different fields of specialization.
    I therefore expect that, with these contributions, the Post-2015 Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction will have a 'holistic' framework for mitigating disasters and also build resilient nations.
    Thank you
  • Thank you for this initiative. Thank you for facilitating! At the moment it feels as an opportunity to be part of a process that is impacting all of us.
    Today's brainstorm: I would like to see a more holistic approach to DRR, or rather see DRR as a holistic approach. To still make it adequately operational, this to me means an approach that is more context specific, more inter-disciplinary, more community-based including children and adolescents, more inclusive of different layers of disaster (physical, psychological...) and of related cross-cutting issues (gender, violence, climate change, eco systems...). That approach should evaluate lessons learned.
    Awareness is certainly an important aspect, furthermore the understanding, that we are responsible for what we have to deal with and the way how we do it.

  • First of all, I should commend the effort made and initiative taken by starting this dialogue.

    The expectations are always high. However, we should confine these expectations and recognize what practically we can do... My expectations from the consultation process would be:

    1) Our focus should be the ground realities and our solutions to the problems should be according to the ground situations.
    2) We cannot weigh the whole world into one basket as the geographical, geophysical and geo-social characteristics of different parts of the world are different... The consultation process should be focusing on first of all taking into account the situations at every part of the world, should assess the real reasons and accordingly work out a real solution.
    3) Sometimes only funding is not a solution... We need to work with the local societies for better management and devising better practices...
    4) Since the natural catastrophes cannot be controlled, however, we can take measures to adapt to such catastrophes,,,
    5) The consultation process should take notes from all parts of the world and devise integrated management and planning structure that can help in rescuing when such events may occur
    6) The consultative process must involve the governments, fix some responsibilities over them and bind them to present some workable solutions, suggestions and ideas... The concerned government departments should be made responsible enough for better inputs, comprehensive dialogues in and among the nations, and establishing a better responsive set up.
    7) End of the day, the framework developed must conform to the geophysical and geosocial characteristics. It should have the flexibility to intake and mold according to ground situation and requirements. The system established should be easy to implement and approachable.
    8) The weakness of previous framework should be taken into account and their reasons should be dig out so that these should be eradicated.
    9) We should not focus to policy making, but should develop working mechanism who can implement ofcourse with the support of the representative governments. Respective governments should be given targets in this regard.
    10) Climate change and climatic disasters are big issues, but the real solution at present is to adapt to such changes. A working model may be established that can forecast and predict the changes to the extent possible, ready to cope with upcoming new situations, build capacities of the locals to be prepared and easy to handle such situations.

    Hoping to hear good from your sides and goodluck for your initiative.


    Irfan Yousuf, AEDB, Pakistan
  • Thanks all for your valuable insights and inputs.
    Three things that I would like to emphasize on as part of this dialogue are:

    a. Engagement and Ownership: Life span and functionality of most of the DRR activities and plans of action at the community level are very often related to and influenced by technical support and funding from external sources. While DRR integration and mainstreaming remain top priorities in all most all programmatic designs, getting it operational in real sense of the term is quite challenging a task. How do we ensure and strengthen engagement and ownership of the community and the local government of all such DRR activities?

    b. Investment in DRR: Various cost benefits analyses categorically underscore the potential of and benefit from investment in DRR. But budgetary provisions and financial planning hardly consider this economic efficiency of investments in DRR and this is vividly reflected in our approach to planning and resource allocations which are heavily skewed towards post-disaster relief and reconstruction activities.

    c. Knowledge-Action System for DRR: Research and insights from a variety of disciplines and diverse sources of field-based actions have produced a rich repertoire of knowledge on DRR. But the primary challenge of using this knowledge for real-time decision making remains in its infancy. This disjuncture between knowledge and action in the field of DRR needs to be bridged through institutional innovation around knowledge-action systems which are context specific. This would also facilitate a culture of knowledge co-production which is essential to deal with the uncertainties and surprises in an ever changing world.
    This ongoing dialogue would help us to work towards these ends and further contribute and consolidate our efforts in a post-2015 framework for DRR.


    Jyotiraj Patra
  • Hi Loy and All who have already joined the discussion!

    As expectations, I like to echo views of others (and the background paper) for stronger emphasis on practice specifically at the local and community level

    May be technology is a missing area or not explicit topic in the background paper?

    Low progress on the PfA 4 has been consistently highlighted at the GARs and HFA reviews. In addition to a stronger emphasis on work on the PfA 4 as some of you have already mentioned, the background paper also highlights the need to focus on PfA 1. The PfA 1 is about governance, local level implementation with multi-stakeholder participation and gender perspectives in disaster risk reduction. There is still a limited progress achieved on assessments, engagement and institutional structures at the local level. In this context, we believe how technology has been or not been used in the fight against disaster deaths and losses needs to be looked at.

    I suggest that we have a discussion on technology justice in DRR in a subsequent round

    Look forwrad to hear your views

    Best wishes

  • Hello and welcome to all.
    We are of to an excellent start with Vladimir Sakharov just joining as the 50th member.
    Congratulations and lets see how soon we reach a membership of a hundred.
    Appreciation to Sahibzada and Vishaka for being the 1st and 15th members to make a post. And many thanks to all the other thirteen members who wrote.
    Do remember that this is an interactive forum, and one in which we will be able to communicate better if we know each other, like all good discussions and conversations. So I would encourage you, either when you join the dialogue, or feel confident enough to join the conversation , to put a two or three sentence introduction about who you are and the role you play in DRR or if new, why you are interested.
    Also I would encourage each of you to use the functionality of the system to upload your picture. I will ask UNISDR colleagues to highlight how this could be done, for those of us for whom it is not so easy to do.
    And do remember this is a multilingual conversation, and the websites functionality enables people to log in and write in their own language, at least for all languages covered in Google translate. So do inform friends and colleagues in your region and country to feel free to write in.
    I am looking forward to this global conversation, and feel humbled and honoured to be your facilitator.
    Warmly, LOY
  • Thank you for this not only urgent but also important initiative.

    What are my expectations from this consultation process? I personally hope that many diverse stakeholders can be reached through this consultation and that they are encouraged to express their views.

    Furthermore, to tackle the challenge of finding the balance having very 'specific' discussions but also finding the necessary 'general' overviews.

    Thematic-wise and from the point of view of an urban development & reconstruction specialist, I would welcome the following topics, amongst others:
    - Governance/institutional capacities and DRR
    - Responsibilities of stakeholders/actors in DRR
    - Role of national and local level authorities/governments
    - How to finance DRR measurements?
    - What are institutional ways to integrate DRR in national strategies, master plans, local settlement plans?

    This is a list of some topics; there are many more themes to discuss....

    Best regards,
    Claudia Schneider
    Skat - Swiss Resource Centre and Consultancies for Development
    St.Gallen, Switzerland
  • I'm indeed elated to be on this forum as I believe I will learn a whole lot. My expectations being
    1. developmental processes will better integrate Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR)
    2. private and public stakeholders will learn how to work together complimenting each others efforts to ensure sustainable developments anchored on best practices across the world.
    3. with the inputs and contributions of experts both in the private and public sectors, stakeholders, professionals, organizations, individuals, etc, the framework developed will cut across sectors thus addressing a broad range of issues and I dare say efficiently too. I expect that this post-2015 framework will be more detailed.

  • Friends;

    Seven countries have now adopted "Cell Broadcast" as one of their means of mass messaging for disaster warnings. Japan, South Korea, Turkey, Netherlands, USA, Chilea, and Israel. Cell Broadcast is an existing technology which is embedded in mobile phones. It is rarely used, but has found application in mass scale public warning during the acute phase of the disaster.

    It is interesting because it is able to deliver hundreds of millions of messages even when the network is in full overload, and also deliver different messages to each neighborhood, by a completely passive means. SMS in its present form has problems wth these two conditions. Cell Broadcast delivers its message to the nomal mobile phones that many people already have, so It is effective and very low cost.

    However there are interesting differences between one national deployment and the next, with each country having slightly different priorities. I believe that we need an open platform for the sharing of best practices between member states, so that lessons can be learned, and best practices promoted.

    I propose to edit a report on "Best Practices in Cell Broadcast public warning applications" in time for the 2015 conferece.

    Member states who have adopted CB (or other technologies some of which are complementary) should be encouraged to submit informaiton on thier implementation, along with practical examples of best and worst practices at their discretion. Contractors and private sector suppliers sould also be encouraged to submit technical details regarding their products and services, for the kind attention and inspection of prospective deployers.

    By 2015 many more countries will have adopted cell broadcast and collecting this information will be a much appreciated service to nations considering their own special conditions.

    Mark Wood, Disaster Relief Communications Foundation.
  • Do you think your Cities has a Disaster Risk Reduction action plan in Place? as today half of the world's population are living in Cities. Similarly study shows cities are beginning to smell major Disaster around it be it Flood, Earthquake or Chemical or Cyclone or Terrorism or anything that is Disaster in Nature. So does our cities are giving emphasis on Disaster Risk Reduction in Urban Planning or no; if yes how its is integrated and if no then why we felt to left Disaster component out of Urban Planning ? Wish to learn some good examples !
  • Greetings! Jyotiraj Patra has captured the essence of my expectations. I hope that through this and other consultations a strong consistuency will emerge to advocate for the importance of disaster prevention as a key element of DRR: programming it, financing it and monitoring it in a way that is streamelined and sustained. Kind regards.
  • It is good if participants of the process actively engaged in assessing and commenting the progress, effectiveness, impact, limitations of current initiatives/working documents. This may lead us to get lesson that can be used as input when discussing about the future. The online forum will help many more people to air their views and get diverse view on DRR. It will also be good to organize regional/country level consultations to ensure the participation of many more practitioners. I believe that innovative and practical ideas shall come out as the result of the discussions. TO make the discussion effective it will be good to make it phase by phase and topic after topic.

    Tesfaye, Ethiopia

  • Hi,

    I agree with Vishaka that technologies role (both high/low) should be discussed in DRR. How do technology choices impact community reslience? How can technology best assist cities/communities to be both sustainable and resilient? How can policy makers better regulate against technology/man-made risks that affect communities? To what extent should public bodies rely on private organisations to manage critical infrastructure?

    Looking forward to sharing views with other members of the DRR community.

    Best Regards
    Samantha Ueno (UK)
  • Hello and thank you for this important initiative. I'm hopeful that these consultations will result in progress on the "how to" aspect of good DRR practices, with the goal of engaging stakeholders across a wide variety of sectors in DRR activities as a routine component of the work they do already. My own sector is health care for older adults.
    Look forward to the discussion,
    Maggie Gibson, Psychologist, Canada
  • Hi colleagues,

    I have learnt through these international dialogues that :-
    1 Population demographics projections show that cities will attract lot more population in the next few decades to come comparing population rise in urban Vs rural areas
    2 Most of these population centres will have much higher rates of increase in population compared to rural population vs overal population growth.
    3 Most of these cities are coastal & on river banks
    4 Cities being on water boundaries may be at higher risks for various national calamities associated with water like floods, overflowing rivers / canals, increased rains locally etc
    5 Cities in developing & low income countries have limited understanding & perception on the development of resilience against such calamities to counter / absorb these effects
    6 Cities management need to link , network, share, find funding resources, develop fostering relationships to make progress in developing resilience in their infrastructure to take up that daunting challenge.

    Dr. Noman F Qadir
    [email protected]
  • Juan Galvis from Colombia,

    I think four subjects are quite important:

    1) The relationship between the DDR and Environmental Protection and all the actions related.

    2) The cost-effective relationship between planning and damage, specially in non-development countries.

    3) Real time monitoring and integration of alert systems.

    4) The impact of training and technical knowledge in DDR.

  • Hello from Ethiopia,
    This is what I would like to see happen in the post 2015 HFA:
    bridge the gap between DRR and conservation of nature organizations which are strongly contributing to Priority 4 - reduce the underlying risk factors (sustainable ecosystems and environmental management), which is not getting sufficient attention. Conservation organizations are not included in the DRR platforms and yet should be a strong partner in reducing risk.

    If anyone wishes to send me info on this theme, i would be very interested...as well as continuing the discussion.

  • Hello from United States,

    One of my expectations is for this dialog to consider reducing the risk to the 'neglected diseases' as an important component to the post 2015 HFA. Pneumonia is the best example of the killer diseases which reports suggest are 'forgotten'. According to UNICEF/WHO reports, pneumonia is the biggest killer of children aged from 0 - 59 months. Millions of children get sick from pneumonia every year. The examination of the underlying pneumonia risk factors, is not getting enough attention, just as Claire Balbo has said in this dialog is the case for Priority 4.

  • I welcome you all participated in this great interactive forum Towards a post-2015 framework for DRR.

    May I introduce as one of your online colleague started my DRR profession in 2003 in the Department of Agricultural Extension under the Ministry of Agriculture, Govt. of Bangladesh. The projects are: Support to the Strengthening Disaster Preparedness Project (FAO-BGD project) and Livelihood and Adaptation to Climate Change Project (FAO-CDMP-DAE).

    I also worked for 'Technical Review on Mitigation Options (Agricultural) In Areas Prone to Climate Change under DRR project of Concern Worldwide, Bangladesh and subsequently I privileged to do Mid Term Evaluation of the 'Disaster Risk Reduction Approach in areas prone to climate change in Bangladesh’.

    I have my major interests in adaption options in DRR approach especially negative impact in agricultural production (broad agriculture) and mostly concentrated to the seasonal flood, flash flood, tropical cyclone in Bangladesh. The area I worked includes coastal zone, low lying char area (accreted river belt) and haor and beel (very low lying) of Bangladesh.

    I've a great expectation to learn and share input through joining this conversation with the international think tanks, policy makers and intellectual professional of the DRR issues in the globe.

    With best regards,
    Md. A. Rashid Sikder
    ARAB, Bangladesh
  • Ólá a todos,
    Manifesto meu sincero agradecimento pela receptividade e pela oportunidade de dialogar sobre este assunto tão importante. Além de ter muito interesse em DRR, temos desenvolvido aqui na periferia de Gaurulhos e Itaquaquecetuba - Muinicipios da Grande São Paulo diversos projetos de educação em prevenção de desastres e promoção da resiliência da comunidade.
    Embora no Brasil, ainda não hajam tão grandes catástrofes climaticas, não queremos nem pretendemos deixar que isto nos deixe vulneraveis ao que pode ocorrer com as mudanças climaticas mundiais.
    Espero colaborar de alguma forma e também ser melhor orientado para interagir corretamente neste espaço de grande utilidade.
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