So what to do?
Its necessary do permanent action arising under a program of investment with returning on economic and social benefits. Environmental and natural conservation is part of social benefits.
And how can that be done??
For example: Using service facilities companies: as water, telecommunications, roads, electricity, etc. that will modernize the requirements relating to the management of risk and the villagers are shareholders around mixed economic processes (eg. public-private):
And more..
Governments should create precise incentives for risk management actions e implementation in all activities including the planning with risk management.
Just as population growth, ie if a resident develops housing with environmental criteria and risk reduction can then be reasoned with compensation taxes, and have greater access to social benefits, etc.
Plan the establishment of safe areas, it is necessary to consider a safe territories established land where people can move in disaster, and while not events occurs could form part of a tourist land, etc., with the basic conditions and environmentally most beautiful: A kind of urban reserve with ecological component. It is necessary to face no conventional manners to teach and make a conscious the importance of DRR in specific and specifics examples of life.
It’s very necessary benefit population in new forms of life that does not destroy the planet more.
Why there are public and private institutions that not invest in DRR ?
Because, they operate as if life followed the normal cycle and not the disaster and don’t understand the news and efforts being made in the change climate disasters. Most of them didn`t see personally the suffering and in the case the considering the DRR is because they gain finantial support.
Most of the actions done is during Disasters Event, where people claim help, or where more specific operational actions by demands of social groups are during the occurrence of the events but once happened the actions are finished.
So what to do?
Its necessary do permanent action arising under a program of investment with returning on economic and social benefits. Environmental and natural conservation is part of social benefits.
And how can that be done??
For example: Using service facilities companies: as water, telecommunications, roads, electricity, etc. that will modernize the requirements relating t