Linking anticipatory action to risk financing: Compendium of think pieces by members of the sectoral community
This report includes 'think pieces' which are succinct, policy-relevant opinion pieces and where authors advocate for a particular position or objectively describe the issue/challenges and possible opportunities, options and solutions on linking anticipatory action to risk financing.
The authors highlight the need to:
- Clarify concepts and come to a joint understanding and terminology;
- Break silos, and work across sectors and organizations to advance the application of Climate and Disaster Risk Finance and Insurance (CDRFI) instruments to Anticipatory Action (AA);
- Combine different instruments of AA and CDRFI through a layered approach so that the right funds are readily available in the right places, at the right time, for the different stages, severity and frequency of disasters;
- Make greater use of the resources and capabilities of the private sector to scale up disaster risk financing and AA.