Impact of sea level rise on the Arab region
Arab Climate Resilience Initiative (ACRI) working paper:
This report aims to identify and assess some of the main vulnerable areas to sea level rise in the Arab world. A survey of a country by country case studies, based on initial national communications and second national communication as well as recent published literature is also presented. The main objective is to identify vulnerabilities to sea level rise and to assess adaptation measures and point out the urgent need to build up institutional and human capacities to approach the problem and to identify gaps, points of strength and points of weakness, options of adaptation and needs for sustainable development.
It calls for integrated adaptation infrastructure and institutional capability for monitoring, building data basis and periodic assessment and risk reduction in all Arab countries as an important prerequisite for proactive planning, follow up and sustainable development and recommends options for adaptation that include: (i) establishment of strong infrastructure and institutional capabilities for adaptation; (ii) programmes for detailed vulnerability assessment and policies; (iii) building up resilience for vulnerable communities and integrated coastal zone management; (iv) taking action for adaptation regardless of sea level rise occurrence.