Meetings and conferences

2nd meeting of the Arab Coordination Mechanism on Disaster Risk Reduction

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The second meeting of the Arab Coordination Mechanism for Disaster Risk Reduction of 2018 will be held from 12 to 13 September 2018 in Tunis, Tunisia. The meeting will be organized by the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction - Regional Office for the Arab States in cooperation and coordination with the League of Arab States and the Government of Tunisia.

The meeting will aim to:

  1. Follow-up on the mandates adopted by the Arab coordination mechanism for disaster risk reduction at its first meeting held in Tunis in January 2018. This includes specifically the preparations for the 4th Arab Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction and the Arab-African Platform on Disaster Risk Reduction from 9-13 October 2018

  2. Agree on the outcome documents of the platform, which is expected to be issued on behalf of the Arab region, in addition to the Arab contributions to the joint communique of the Africa-Arab Platform, as well as the completion of the Programme of Work for the Implementation of the Arab Strategy for Disaster Reduction for the years 2019-2020.

  3. Agree on the role of major groups in the Arab region in disaster risk reduction.

  4. Review developments and discuss the program, agenda and other logistical issues for the Africa Arab Platform on Disaster Risk Reduction.

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