Policies and Plans

Governance of risk plays a central role in managing disaster risk. Disaster risk reduction (DRR) strategies, in particular, are crucial for coordinating DRR implementation at both the national and local levels. They serve as the cornerstone for effective disaster risk governance and risk-informed development.

Explore this guidance if you are interested in developing a National DRR Strategy.

National and local strategies set implementation milestones, establish key roles and responsibilities, and identify technical and financial resources. At the same time, the existence of regional/sub-regional strategies and/or legally binding frameworks for disaster risk reduction acts as a significant incentive for the development of DRR strategies at national level.

This page displays regional, national and local policy documents and declarations on disaster risk, climate adaptation and resilience:

Submit a local, national, or regional policy and plan, a national legal framework, or an intergovernmental declaration.

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Policies and plans

Submitted agreement between ministries and agencies, which:

- Regulates emergency situations operations plans, which are created for the concrete danger;

- Aids in this direction existed laws in the Country;

- Provides assistance and coordination of

Policies and plans

In Spanish:

Este documento tiene como finalidad presentar los resultados del trabajo de recopilación, sistematización y análisis de información relativa a instituciones/organizaciones relevantes, marcos legales y conceptuales, estado de avance en gestión

Policies and plans

In Spanish:

A continuación se presenta el documento de Sistematización de la consultoría “Servicio de asistencia técnica para actualizar/ sistematizar/ divulgar inventarios de actores y normativas y para apoyar en la concertación/ formulación/

Policies and plans

An Act to provide for prevention, preparedness, response, mitigation and recovery in relation to hazards, disasters and emergencies, to provide for the establishment of the National Emergency Management Organisation, to provide for the appointment of a

Policies and plans

In Spanish:

Decreto Presidencial N° 1.557 con Fuerza de Ley del Sistema Nacional de Protección Civil y Administración de Desastres.

Policies and plans

In Spanish:

El Plan Nacional de Respuesta ante Desastres en Nicaragua (PNRDN) es parte del proceso de planeamiento estratégico del Sistema Nacional para la Prevención, Mitigación y Atención de Desastres, (SNPMAD) bajo la coordinación de su Secretaría

Policies and plans

In Spanish:

El plan nacional de emergencia establece el marco institucional e interinstitucional para les acciones del Gobierno y de la sociedad civil ante la amenaza o existencia de un desastre, con el fin de salvaguardar la vida, proteger lo bienes y

Policies and plans

Prepared under UNDP Project ANT/97/GC2/99, Climate Change Project:

Antigua and Barbuda’s Initial National Communications to the UNFCCC including chapter 4 on Climate Change Vulnerability and Adaptation. Other chapters include: National Circumstances

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