SE5: Risk Identification and the National Capacity to Manage Risk

  • ID: SE5
  • Date & Time: Tuesday 10 May (13:15 - 14:15)
  • Room: C-CCV
  • Participation: Open
  • Organizer: Organized by UNDP, WHO, UNHCR, UN-HABITAT and IFRC


Comprehensive risk information underpins the risk reduction efforts of national governments, sectoral agencies, municipal authorities, civil society and the private sector. This event is an opportunity for countries to share experiences, discuss challenges and consider new approaches to building and accessing capacities for risk identification. Presentations will showcase programmes by government and national institutions. The event will produce recommendations to help set priorities in building and maintaining risk identification capacities.

Background Papers

> Agenda [DOC, 807.00 Kb]

> Bangladesh Risk Identification [DOC, 3.42 Mb]

> Risk Mapping for Strategic Planning of Shelter Response in Tijuana, Baja California, México [PPT, 5.03 Mb]

> Vulnerability Assessment Methodology - Ecuador [PDF, 4.40 Mb]


> Experience of Armenia - DRR and Risk Assessment [WMV, 9.18 Mb]

> Ecuador [PPT, 3.01 Mb]

> Mexico [PPT, 5.03 Mb]

> Lebanon [PPTX, 1.05 Mb]


> Report on the Risk Identification and the National Capacity to Manage Risk Side Event [PDF, 155.86 Kb]

Last updated: 04 December 2020