SE13: Activating Africa’s Adaptive Capacity – Climate Change Challenges and Lessons from the Africa Adaptation Programme

  • ID: SE13
  • Date & Time: Wednesday 11 May (13:45 - 14:45)
  • Room: 5
  • Participation: Open
  • Organizer: Organized by UNDP Africa Adaptation Programme (funded by the Government of Japan)


Africa’s extreme vulnerability to climate change is aggravated by multiple biophysical and developmental stresses coupled with low adaptive capacity. The African continent has a disproportionately high amount of climate change problems and limited resources to adapt. Countries participating in the Africa Adaptation Programme have been addressing the imbalance between climate change impacts and adaptive capacities. The side event will bring an Africa focus to the Global Platform and highlight specific challenges and lessons for enabling African nations to integrate disaster risk reduction and adaptation into a more resilient, effective development process.

Background Papers

> Background on the Africa Adaptation Programme (AAP) [PDF, 596.92 Kb]

> AAP Experiences: Advancing Development Through an Integrated Gender Perspective [PDF, 1.58 Mb]


> Climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction: the case of Ghana [PDF, 2.96 Mb]

> Gender, climate change and disaster risk reduction [PDF, 459.94 Kb]

> Improved access to climate data and information [PDF, 1.46 Mb]

> Introduction to Africa adaptation programme [PDF, 223.18 Kb]

> Climate action intelligence: lessons from Kenya [PDF, 1.08 Mb]


> Report on the Activating Africa’s Adaptive Capacity – Climate Change Challenges and Lessons from the Africa Adaptation Programme Side Event [PDF, 168.04 Kb]

Last updated: 04 December 2020