SE20: Integrated Use of Space Technologies for Disaster Risk Reduction

  • ID: SE20
  • Date & Time: Thursday 12 May (13:30 - 14:30)
  • Room: 5
  • Participation: Open
  • Organizer: Organized by SPIDER Global Thematic Partnership (UN-SPIDER, DLR, Asian Disaster Reduction Center, ESRI, and ISPRS)


Space-based applications are frequently used in emergency response during disasters, to monitor the state of the environment, the impacts of climate change, and for global navigation and telecommunications worldwide. The side event will showcase examples of space applications in the context of disaster risk reduction, adaptation to climate change, and recovery. The side event aims to demonstrate that investing today in the use of space-based Information will lead to a safer tomorrow.

Background Papers



> Report on the Integrated Use of Space Technologies for Disaster Risk Reduction Side Event [PDF, 161.56 Kb]

Last updated: 04 December 2020