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by Flick user Jaume d'Urgell, Creative Commons BY-NC 2.0,
Floodplain management grants have been allocated to local councils across New South Wales (NSW) to assess the risks and reduce the impacts of flooding reports Nambucca Guardian News.
Nambucca Guardian News
'While communities across Australia are continuing to recover and rebuild, the next challenge is to make sure we are all prepared for the disaster risks facing us over the coming summer,' declared Attorney-General Robert McClelland...
Australia - government
'Despite these occasional problems, Exercise IOWave11 has achieved its goal of evaluating the state of readiness of the Indian Ocean Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System in responding to a potentially destructive tsunami,' said Wendy Watson-Wright, Executive Secretary of UNESCO-IOC...
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization - Headquarters
Angelika Planitz, head of the UN's regional office for the International Strategy for Disaster Risk Management, is speaking at ABC Radio Australia on the occasion of the International Day for Disaster Reduction...
Australian Broadcasting Corporation
by Flickr user james.gordon6108, Creative Commons BY 2.0,
India, along with 20 Indian Ocean nations, is participating in a major Indian Ocean-wide mock tsunami drill on October 12, 2011 aimed at testing the Indian Ocean Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System (IOTWS)...
New Delhi Television, NDTV Convergence Ltd.
AusAID is working with the United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR) and the World Bank’s Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery (GFDRR) to help governments build resilience to disasters...
Australian Agency for International Development
Los desastres afectan a nuestras sociedades en lo más hondo. Sólo durante este año hemos asistido al triple desastre del Japón (el terremoto y tsunami en la región de Tōhoku y el accidente en el reactor nuclear de Fukushima), a intensas lluvias monzónicas en Pakistán, a inundaciones en Australia...
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization - Headquarters
United Nations - Headquarters
As per the Inquirer, Australia has committed over A$20.7 million (about P800 million) to support the Philippine government’s disaster risk management and climate change adaptation program..., Philippine Daily Inquirer

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