
Regions must convince their governments to allocate more resources to urban infrastructure, services and capacity-building activities, according to a senior UN official...
The New Humanitarian
Le Conseil fédéral veut poursuivre les efforts d’optimisation de la protection contre les dangers naturels. Il a chargé la Plate-forme nationale « Dangers naturels » PLANAT de combler les lacunes...
Swiss National Platform for Natural Hazards, PLANAT
The former Soviet republic Tajikistan will, with Swedish help, become better at dealing with disasters. Among other things, this includes improving capabilities for rescuing people from collapsed buildings...
Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB)
'We are getting the award, along with Sida, because we have been one of the most prominent actors in striving to maintain a preparedness for and response to disasters and emergencies around the world.'...
Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB)
Dal 15 maggio al 15 settembre è operativo in 27 città italiane un sistema di previsione e prevenzione degli effetti delle ondate di calore sulla salute della popolazione...
Dipartimento della Regione Siciliana Protezione Civile
photo by Flickr user vonbergen.net, Michael Von Bergen creative commons attribution-noncommercial 2.0 generic
A complex but critical issue raised at the UN climate change talks in Bonn: how to find a scale to determine vulnerability to climate change and fund adaptation - issues to be discussed at the Global Platform...
The New Humanitarian
A new report recommends that all countries include migration and adaptation to climate change strategies in future planning. Follow this issue at the Global Platform next week...
United Nations News Centre
Activities will be held in primary schools throughout Nigeria to raise awareness on the global threat of climate change, said the Minister of Environment Mr John Odey...
Daily Trust, Media Trust
130 experts are gathering in Zurich this week for an international conference on researching extreme events, organised by the ETH Zurich, Vincent Landon of WRS reports...
World Radio Switzerland
Con la participación de representantes de los Sistemas Regionales de Defensa Civil de todo el país, se inició el Taller sobre Derechos de los Niños, Niñas y Adolescentes en Situaciones de Emergencia...
Instituto Nacional de Defensa Civil

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