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Main Objectives
• We focus on Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) and peacebuilding interventions, in which relief, rehabilitation and development are linked, and the underlying causes of the crisis are addressed. CARE NL also addresses people’s immediate needs and provides humanitarian relief.
• We aim to inform the Dutch population about (the causes of) conflicts and disasters around the world and the support we provide to people during the reconstruction phase;
• We aim to lobby for our views and the appropriate action-taking with the relevant persons and institutions, and everything that relates to this or may be conducive, in the broadest sense.
CARE Nederland helps to strengthen the resilience of communities prone to disasters, including violent conflict, by addressing immediate needs and contributing to sustainable solutions to underlying causes of vulnerability.
CARE Nederland seeks a world of hope, tolerance and social justice, where poverty has been overcome and people live in dignity and security. CARE International will be a global force and partner of choice within a worldwide movement dedicated to ending poverty. CARE Nederland will be known everywhere for its unshakeable commitment to the dignity of people.
Strategy 2011-2015
The main goals of CARE Nederland's strategic policy are as follows:
• CARE Nederland wants to strengthen the resilience of vulnerable communities (DRR);
• CARE NL wants help develop communities, in which all people, their organizations and their leaders work together towards peace. A society in which all people are resilient and active in social life, and where the economic requirements for peace have been met (Peace Building);
• CARE Nederland wants to ensure that the base of funding and resourcing provided to the causes we support and work on are maintained, and we will continue to provide information to donors and other public about development work (Marketing);
• CARE Nederland wishes to avoid risks and create sufficient reserves to survive in lesser times. (Finance)
• CARE Nederland wants to ensure that the processes performed to achieve the objectives are efficiently, effectively and properly monitored (internal management).
CARE NL envisions to strengthen the resilience of vulnerable communities. This means that vulnerable communities are able to “take” the shock of a hazard and that they are able to quickly and fully recover from it in an efficient way. CARE NL believes that this can be achieved by:
- making changes in human conditions
- improving people’s social positions
- creating a stable and safe environment.
DRR interventions will include and link to:
- Emergency response and development
- Advocacy
- Women’s and girls’ empowerment
Link to MDGs
In their efforts to strengthen the resilience and livelihood security of communities, CNL main programmes (DRR and Peacebuilding), also specifically address:
-MDG1: Eradication of extreme poverty and hunger
-MDG3: Promoting gender equality
-MDG7: Ensuring environmental sustainability
Focus Areas of the CARE Nederland DRR Programme
- Climate Change and DRR
- DRR, Gender and diversity
- Food Security and DRR
- Natural Resource Management/Ecosystems Management and DRR
- Peace Building
- Resilience
- Water Sanitation and Hygiene and DRR
- Dutch Consortium For Rehabilitation (DCR)
- Partners for Resilience (PfR)
- Dutch Platform for Humanitarian Action (PHA)
- CARE’s Poverty, Environment and Climate Change Network (PECCN)
- Voluntary Organisations in Cooperation in Emergencies (VOICE)
- CARE International Resilience Working Group (CIEWG)
The Sendai Framework Voluntary Commitments (SFVC) online platform allows stakeholders to inform the public about their work on DRR. The SFVC online platform is a useful toolto know who is doing what and where for the implementation of the Sendai Framework, which could foster potential collaboration among stakeholders. All stakeholders (private sector, civil society organizations, academia, media, local governments, etc.) working on DRR can submit their commitments and report on their progress and deliverables.