Key achievements in building resilience since the adoption of the HFA in 2005
  • Dear participants,

    Welcome to this second round of first on line dialogue leading towards the post-2015 Framework for disaster risk reduction (DRR), which will run from 24 September to 6th October. As you can read from my opening remarks for this round, we are focussing in this thread on learning from and contributing to HFA Implementation. Four themes and questions have been framed. The key question we will be addressing in this thread is

    What are the key achievements in building resilience since the adoption of the HFA in 2005? What contributed to the success?

    We begin today with the first thread on achievements. Please tell us about achievements you and your organization have been involved in and/or those you have observed closely. Explain briefly what was achieved, who benefited, who was involved, what partnerships were put in place. Provide details of the achievement and analyze the key success factors behind it. Comment if possible, on the costs and resources involved, and the sustainability, cost effectiveness and resource efficiency of the initiative. Reflect on what could have been done better.

    I look forward to hearing from most of you.


    Loy REGO

    Facilitator, On line dialogue
  • Estimado Loy, considero que una de los mayores logros del MAH, en los que he tenido mayor acercamiento hasta el momento tiene que tiene que ver con la "Redución de los factores subyacentes del riesgo", en este caso, no con su reducción pero si con su conocimiento o comprensión. Tuve la oportunidad de conocer la herramienta del ICRR del DARA la cual la aplicamos a nivel México, para cada una de sus 32 entidades federativas, y en la actualidad estoy replicando y adaptando dicha metodología a una mayor escala, en la ciudad de México. Como herramienta de comprensión e identificación de procesos subyacentes del riegso es bastante manejable para las localidades y todos los actores, pero es necesario buscar una mayor aplicación en distintas escalas para validarlo a nivel local, pero sobre todo, trazar una lìnea base y dar siguimiento a las acciones tomadas a partir de los resultados de este Indicador. Por lo pronto no tengo resultados conluyentes a nivel local-urbano, en cuanto los tenga los compartiré con ustedes.
  • Saber Teams has developed an enhanced version of Interoperable Communications. With this system we are able to tie in all communication devices and frequencies on a global level.
  • Dear Community Members, Greetings!

    Under NARRI (National Alliance for Risk Reduction and Response Initiatives) in Bangladesh, 10 INGOs have come together to work on disaster preparedness and response in a post disaster scenario. One of the very strong guiding factors for all of us together was the HFA and there are some very brilliant examples from our project the way we have use it to enhance the resilience of the community and institutions in Bangladesh. Our observation is also based on the HFA reporting for the period 2011-2012 which we are doing jointly with the Government and CDMP (the largest DRR program in Bangladesh).

    The HFA framework has been very instrumental in designing of our various interventions on DRR. We are using it as a tool to synchronize the thinking and intervention designing process for all the joint interventions. By using HFA as the basis of designing, planning and implementation of the interventions it becomes easier for us to monitor the program and share the achievements at the larger level.

    A unified approach in program designing has helped has in enhancing the resilience of the community and the institutions as we are seeing a better coherence, interface, resource sharing and thinking on the same line between different agencies.

    Through this discussion I wish to encourage other development actors to use it as a planning tool and base for all the interventions related with DRR. If this is harmonized at the larger level (national, regional and international). It will become much easier to monitor the progress through a single unified framework.
  • Dear Community Members, Greetings from Japan.

    CRASH Japan (Christian Relief, Assistance, Support and Hope) has worked extensively with over 35 partner NGOs, Missions, and Church Denominations in Japan in response to the 3.11.2011 tsunami and nuclear disaster. Honestly, before the disaster we knew nothing about the HFA, but using it to evaluate what helped and what we could have done better after the fact has been very helpful.

    The small-scale development of these partnerships in Japan before the 2011 disaster, allowed us to quickly mobilize over 6 million US$ in relief and sustain over 14,000 days of volunteer work in dozens of local communities.

    As we look towards preparing for predicted mega-quakes facing Tokyo and the Nankai area we want to aim to unite local church networks with NGO's and international church resources of volunteers, expertise and funds nationwide in Japan, implement key leadership training programs and coordinate these efforts with local and prefectural governments.

    Jonathan Wilson
    CRASH Japan
  • Dear Members,
    One of the key achievements of HFA has been the creation and continuation of a ‘buzz’ around disaster resilience and the emergence of larger political will and ownership for resilience building initiatives at the highest level.

    It has also facilitated the design and development of key sectoral initiatives which aims to systematically integration some of the key activities outlined under the five Priorities of Action. The National School Safety Programme (NSSP), a demonstration project of the Government of India, which aims to ‘promote a culture of disaster preparedness in the school’, is a definitive action towards meeting HFA goals. Apart from the emphasis on school safety and inclusion of DRR into school curricula (Key Activity under PfA: 3), NSSP demonstrates the opportunities through which inter-ministerial coordination and concerted action could be mobilized around common issues of resilience building. NSSP is a joint initiative of the National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) and the Ministry of Human Resources & Development (HRD) with regular participation of and inputs from the Inter Agency Group (IAG) which comprises of a number of civil society organizations. Details available at

    The Government of India has constituted a Task Force last year to review the Disaster Management Act (2005) with an objective to understand some of the concerns and limitations faced by the sub-national governance bodies and to suggested necessary modifications. The Task Force is expected to submit its final report to the Government of India by the end of this month.

    To further facilitate the role and partnership of the insurance industry, both private and public, in disaster risk reduction measures the NDMA (India) organized a multi- stakeholder consultation on ‘Insurance and DRR’ (April 2012) and will come out with key policy recommendations in this regard. Such initiatives also facilitate and bolster long term public-private partnerships (PPPs) as a key driver towards meeting the HFA goals.

    One of the key factors that has sustained these efforts is the ownership of and leadership by the state in facilitating DRR initiatives in consultation and partnership with other stakeholders.

    A group of international agencies (Concern Worldwide, Save the Children, ACTED and Handicap International) along with their local NGO partners have been working to strengthen resilience of at-risk communities in some of the most vulnerable regions in India. A variety of appropriate and cost-effective approaches adopt a divers approaches are diverse and These actions and initiatives are supported by the European Commission Humanitarian Aid & Civil Protection (ECHO) under DIPECHO (Disaster Preparedness ECHO) Sixth Action Plan for South Asia. One of the key achievements of this group has been in terms of collective and collaborative advocacy on issues around resilience building. Such initiatives have been successful in building the advocacy capacities of local NGOs which strengthens a constructive and cooperative approach of engagement between the state and the larger civil society on such critical issues as risk reduction and resilience building.


    Jyotiraj Patra
  • Dear Shakeb,

    greeting from Pakistan, the think tank of Red Cross Red Crescent is also giving consideration to Disaster Risk Reduction, though the Response is very crucial stage and all the humanitarian actors are facing two challenges in post disaster one is the relief activities and second is to increase the awareness among the communities for any kind of disaster. it is common observance during the disaster the community become selfless and vulnerable. before the disaster the communities did not give attention to vulnerability and importance to risk, it is therefore the Disaster Risk Reduction is a common approach easier and planning tools for preparedness. the importance of DRR in the hazard prone area should be top most priority and Govt should have the keen to address this integral component.
  • I thank you UNISDR for facilitating this online dialogue on the post-2015 framework for disaster risk reduction. Key achievements in building resilience at the community level were very great in raising awareness and reduction in life loss. To maintain and enhance the momentum for DRR and accelerate HFA implementation it is good to involve the community and higher officials at large. The major challenges and obstacles for disaster risk reduction and building resilience are lack of responsible body as disaster causes multiple risks, Inadequate/ inappropriate utilization of resources, No risk assessment and risk mapping and no timely response. The top three elements that should be addressed in the Post-2015 Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction includes adequate budget allocation and appropriate utilization, Improve involvement of higher officials and community, conduct risk assessment and plan for prevention.
    The major achievements my organization involved were reduction in outbreak occurrence, geographic expansion and early containment. Multi sectoral involvement in risk assessment, preparedness, response and recovery Strengthened. Community involvement initiated when disaster occurred and awareness raising/communication using radio and television on progress. The community was benefitted at large and Governmental organization, WHO, UNICEF, MSF and others were in place. The driving key factors behind includes commitment of some leaders at all levels, support from NGOs and community participation. The main issue is low or inappropriate utilization of resources. The sustainability is still in question because of corruption and lack of responsibility.
  • I am in the practice of disaster management since 1999. At the time the terminology Disaster Management was not much known in my country, leave aside the existence of any institution or knowledge; in public or private sector. The country was struck by the devastating earthquake in October 2005 that killed over 73,000 persons. In the aftermath National Disaster Management Authority was established in 2007. An organisation; Earthquake Reconstruction and Rehabilitation Authority (ERRA) was created to implemennt the massive reconstruction and rehabilitation of the affected areas. A Disaster Risk Management Programme was one of the core initiatives by ERRA. I was responsible to implement this programme. Before this I had the good fortune of implementing a disaster management programme in a small and remote part of the country and in the course I had attended Disaster Management Course at ADPC Bangkok.

    The ERRA DRM Programme was implemented in the nine earthquake affected districts. The programme components included hazard assessment and mapping, establishing community volunteers institutions at the local level and providing stockpiles of emergency tools and equipment. This programme, after completion, was evaluated by a high level committee comprising Chairman NDMA, Deputy Chairman ERRA and other Government, UN, and stakeholders and was endorsed as a robust model for replicating in other parts of the country. The model was also selected by UNISDR for publication as regional good practices in 2010.

    There have been two distinct achievements of this initiative: a) The communities living in the areas where this programme had been implemented were relatively safer during the floods in 2010 and 2011. 2) The Programme proved a trail blazer for the Government as well as Non-Government agencies to embark on DRM activities in the country. Today DRM is still in its infancy in Pakistan but no longer an alien subject. I am currently working to start a comprehensive disaster management programme in selected high hazard risk communities across Pakistan. In addition to the components mentioned above this programme will also include small mitigation projects with equity from the communities and providing safe shelter houses, especially in the flood prone areas.

  • Dear Loy
    Greetings from Disaster Management Bureau, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
    Application of a resilience-based approach is not solely the field of disaster management agencies; rather, it is a shared responsibility between various government department, communities, corporate sectors and individuals. To achieve this, the first step in a long-term, evolving process to deliver sustained behavioral change at community level and enduring partnerships among the above. There is also need leadership to drive improvements in disaster resilience. The responsibility for leadership should be taken by all partners within their sphere of influence in a coordinated manner, so as to maximize the benefits from limited resources. This resource limitation can limit to take the structural measures for risk reduction, rather many development countries go for low cost non-structural mitigation. So it is very important to consider a resilience-based approach with low cost community owned engineering for risk reduction.
    Syed Ashraf
  • Cordaid, a Dutch NGO, is working on community managed DRR in 13 countries in Asia, Central America and Africa with approximately 110 local NGO's in these countries. The work is a combination of training of NGO's and other relevant stakeholders in CMDRR, risk, vulnerability and capacity analysis, making CMDRR action and contingency plans, and the actual implementation of the plans. Hereby the community DRR committees are the one taking the lead. This is combined with learning from each other via exchange visits and learning workshops, and lobby/advocacy for an enabling environment for DRR. In our view DRR is closely connected to climate change adaptation. Quite a number of these programs are succesfull, according to evaluations we've held over the years. Our field staff or local partners are involved in DRR policy working groups in various countries; local governments are interested in our work on the ground; communities in disaster prone regions are better able to deal with upcoming disasters, such as in the drought regions in the Horn of Africa last year, or in flood prone areas in India.
    We realize more and more that close cooperation with other relevant stakeholders is crucial to really have an impact which is broader than only at community level. Therefore we work closely with national and international networks, such as the global CSO network for DRR, the Dutch DRR platform and various local DRR or food security networks. And since 2 years we work in the Partners for Resilience, an alliance with the Red Cross, The Red cross climate centre, CARE Netherlands, Wetlands international and Cordaid, where we jointly work on DRR, climate change adaptation and ecosystem management and restoration. We think the ecosystem aspect is crucial as well to really achieve resilient communities.
    The key succesfactors in this programme are the mix of training, having committed people in our office and in the various countries who believe in the relevance of DRR, real community involvement, piloting approaches and ongoing learning to improve the programmes, linking up with relevant stakeholders including the local government for sustainability/upscaling of the approach, include attention for food security in the programs as a trigger for community involvement.
  • Dear Members, Greetings from Nigeria.

    The African Youths Organization
    Before the disaster we knew nothing about the HFA, but using it to evaluate what helped and what we could have done better after the fact has been very helpful.
    The Program has implemented several projects on disaster management and disaster risk reduction in partnership with Oxfam GB, Nigeria Office.
    The first among these is the project on Consolidating Cooperation between Disaster Management Agencies and Vulnerable Communities for Disaster Risk Reduction in Nigeria. This provided the platform for the review and reorientation of approach to disaster response to focus on developing proactive responses which has the capacity to prevent or mitigate vulnerabilities or risks of hazards faced by communities. It sought to strengthen partnerships, relationships and communications between policy makers, humanitarian organizations and communities exposed to various levels of nature and manmade disasters to enable communities’ access adequate support from humanitarian organizations and interface with policy makers on disaster management/coordination issues.

    Another project carried out was the Strengthening the collaboration between Humanitarian Actors toward effective response to humanitarian crisis in Nigeria. The department undertook a Desk Review of Government Agencies and Non-Governmental organizations working on DRR in Nigeria, with the aims of enhancing access and linkages between vulnerable communities in Nigeria and disaster Management Institutions so that rapidly emerging threats and needs of affected communities can be properly adressed by responders. A composite directory of disaster management stakeholders in Nigeria comprising about 101 organizations working on humanitarian issues across the 36 states and Federal Capital Territory for coordinated and effective response. Also a platform for engagement of humanitarian actors was created to share information and expertise to respond to humanitarian issues in Nigeria.

    Currently the project on Strengthening the Capacity of selected Agro-producers in Northern Nigeria for Disaster Risk reduction and Mitigation is being implemented to build the capacity of farmers, pastoralists, fisher-folks in northern Nigeria on preventing and mitigating the risk of conflict and disaster in their community. This will also enable the groups to develop necessary skills for disaster risk reduction and conflict management using Dialogue.
    NGO partners have been working to strengthen resilience of at-risk communities in some of the most vulnerable regions in Nigeria.

    Prince Bright Akinola
  • Within concluded ideas of post 2015 dialogues, I wish to see the following:
    some recommendations and/or proposals for new respond with the disaster and to mitigate critical situations are always generated due to catastrophic events in poor countries and to reduce unbelievable variation of strategies and tactics have been appeared for each country during last decades all over the globe.
    Strengthening linkages, specifically to those vital programs for natural disaster reduction which is experienced a remarkable timeframe continuation for implementing their relevant activities, even though they have variant languages, religions and communities. Of course, in behind of these continuation, there are consciousness scientific and political supports. At moment I look into Reduction Earthquake Loses in East Mediterranean Region (RELEMR) as good example, it is working in the region since 20 years and represented by remarkable government officials in the East Mediterranean with pretty support from UNESCO, USGS, regional institutions and individuals.

    All best for all
    Jamal M. Sholan
  • Much has been achieved and moved forward since 2005 as presented by the latest Global Assessment Report, but a key aspect for me is the level of buy-in to the concept of resilience. Many more Governments and other Institutions have since embraced the term. Efforts undertaken to unpack the term mean that people know have a better idea of what it means and know what can be done to contribute to strenghtening resilience of nations and communities.
  • Grand merci à Monsieur Loy et à tous les membres de la communauté en ligne,
    La Côte d’Ivoire mon pays, sort d’une crise militaro politique qui a durée de 2002 à 2011. Aussi, est-il nécessaire de rappeler que s’il y avait déjà des démarches en cours avant la crise pour le renforcement de la résilience , celles-ci ont été indéniablement stoppées par ladite crise. A ce jour, les différentes institutions gouvernementales se remettent progressivement au travail et nous sommes au stade de validation d’un décret portant création de la Plateforme nationale de réduction de risques. La Côte d’Ivoire a donc nécessairement besoin de soutien de partenaires internationaux afin de l’accompagner dans le redémarrage de l’ensemble de son programme de renforcement de résilience.
  • Mr. Rego,
    Thanks for your observation, i was concerned with the adverse effect of these conflicts, but i wish to state that politically orchestrated conflicts and disasters has taken the centre stage of our daily live, the power drunks, particularly from Africa are multiplying by day, materials like improvise Explosive Device (IEDs) are readily made available to irresponsible touts, as i want the world leaders to include IEDs as one of the materials to be regulated on to avoid misuse from the hands of evil minded persons.
    It is disappointing that seminars and conferences that discusses issues that could educate people on the knowledge and implication of IEDs are today meant for high class individuals, i suggest that there should be chances of low income earners, less enlightened persons even from the local communities to be allowed to attend such events.
    My organization movement for protection of the African Child (MOPOTAC) in collaboration with Red Cross organized a seminar on the 19th of April 2012, tagged workshop on disaster management, yes quite some number of people attended, but that is not enough education to the entire community, more of such events should be organize from time to time, and people should be meant to appear irrespective of class, race etc, because the people that carry out these nefarious acts most times are half beck persons.

    My name is Christian Njoku, Director, Human resources with MOPOTAC, I have organized events in relation to the aforementioned, i desire to see a peaceful global entity,
    Thanks while looking forward to hearing from you on a regular bases.

  • Dear Loy,

    Thank you for your question! I am from Ethiopia working on Public Health Emergency Management in Ethiopian Health and Nutrition Research institute. The institute has two cores process; the research core process and Public Health Emergency Management core process. I am from the second and we are working on Disasters like land slide, volcano eruption, epidemics and flood at national and sub national level. Ethiopia is a known country for different disaster mentioned above and the prospects moving ahead were conducting risk assessment twice a year and forecasting and planning for the upcoming risks with different GOs and NGOs.
    Act locally; influence Globally!!
    With Best Regards,
  • Greetings to all participants from the International Institute of Rural Reconstruction (IIRR)

    What the HFA has achieved in DRR in the Philippines?

    The adoption of the HFA have started the momentum of both government, non-government and the private sector to prioritize disaster risk reduction in many of the development goals.This momentum have led to the development of creative approaches to facilitating disaster risk reduction at all levels and across various stakeholders. For example, toolkits, manuals and guide books have been written to facilitated DRR at community/village levels, within the private sector and within the government bureaucracy.

    I can even equate this as the "DRR Social Movement" where DRR has created its own passionate champions, practitioners and even academics. And this DRR movement has also produced inspiring stories that demonstrate the resilience of people, villages and nations despite the increasing intensities of hazards hitting humanity. These stories if captured will be an effective source for building more capacities and building more cooperation among nations to realize a world free of disasters.

    In the Philippines, the HFA have spawned several initiatives in communities facilitated by
    various NGOs both local and international. These initiatives have provided opportunities for working together in pushing policy reforms to establish a strong enabling environment to realize the goals of the HFA to people and communities with high risks for disasters. One of the landmark policies created in the Philippines is the Philippine DRR Management Act which provided a 360 degree shift of priorities from purely disaster response regime to disaster risk reduction.

    With the successful advocacy for policy reforms in the national government, NGOs continued to work together under a DRR alliance to continue watching the implementation of the reforms and fighting the forces that want to derail the implementation of reforms. One such contentious reform was the establishment and management of local government "calamity funds" which originally was allocated mainly for disaster response for a fiscal year. The usual practice was that whenever there is no disaster event, the calamity fund reverts back to the general funds of local governments. As a result instead of increasing the resources of local governments to address disasters, the funds stagnates to a minimal percent of the total local government funding. That when Typhoon Ketsan hit the Philippine capital in 2009, even pooling together all the calamity funds of all affected local governments these were not enough to cover the cost of disaster response. The question then was what happened to the calamity funds that were not used during the years without disasters? Typhoon Ketsana created the need for local governments to accumulate funds for disaster response and preparedness in order not to repeat the same effects of Typhoon Ketsana. The reform now is that the calamity funds of local governments which just 5% of their total funds will now be created as trust fund locked for 5 years. This means that unused calamity funds will accumulate over time building more funds to implement DRR and preparedness and response activities. This reform has not been popular among local governments and there has been efforts to repeal this particular reform in the DRRM Law.

    The new law also provided reforms in the structures and coordination among key government offices and non-government organizations to better implement DRR and disaster management.

    I think another form of achievement with the HFA is in terms of resources mobilization for countries at most risk to disasters. The HFA have provided the lens on where to focus funding investments to assist countries at risk reduce their risks.

    Cheers to all participants.

  • Dear disaster risk reduction practitioners’ greetings!

    Good to share with all of you the second round of the online dialogue toward to post 2015 Framework for Disaster risk reduction.
    According to my understanding the key achievements in building resilience since the adoption of the H FA for action has been on of the main significant key on disaster risk reduction management through the building on culture of safety, early effective assessment of hazards and vulnerability, empowering the research on training, education by using the news technology and innovation.

    Enhance mechanisms for sustaining the early warning and support the development and implementation of programme in order to disseminate information.
    In addition Disaster risk reduction has also been for many countries as a National, regional and local priority with strong emphasis on specifics, targets, roles and financial supports. This includes support for the efforts of policymakers and decisions makers at all levels.

    It needs to be emphasized that achievements in building resilience will be owned and more shaped by government political will and many partners supporting its objectives that will largely achieved through the ongoing work of the stakeholders.
    This is the same views that existing within the UNISDR aims.

    Thanking You
    Joseph Herve

  • Macae is a medium-sized city in the state of Rio de Janeiro with approximately 200,000 inhabitants and considered the national capital Petroleum, since 80% of the extraction is done in its basin. However, the infrastructure did not follow the financial progress and various ills of rapid growth may be seen as overcrowded roads and buildings in risk areas.
    The local Civil Defense was established in August 2005 and, seven years later, some progress concerning the actions of the Hyogo Framework can be noticed, but there is still much to accomplish.
    In 2011 we signed up in the UNISDR Campaign and the significant changes since then was the staff expansion and feasibility studies to enter the Civil Defence subject in the public schools curriculum and the decentralization of the bidding process through a fund that would also serve to collecting donations and sponsorships
  • More emphasis and priority should be made towards developing countries as it continues to experience lack of productivity for natural disaster risk in order to achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). Some of the least developed countries suffer the most from environmental degradations that affect the natural systems and develop global environmental problems that easily threat the human well-being. The opportunities are active involvement to strengthen disaster preparedness, disaster risk reduction, building resilience and contribution made towards addressing sustainable development and human security for developing countries. Key achievements are implemented to disaster preparedness through best practices, lessons learned and capacity building for vulnerable countries.
  • Greeting from Pakistan.

    I would like to share that the DRR is not give much attention today and it is consider as the additional component or cross cutting theme in general. I think it is not give importance in the developmental studies particularly in developing countries. while the situation is rapidly changing and disaster become the big challenge,situation is going to worse. The disaster and its consequences raised many challenges the disaster comes and perish all the normal development. so we can say the disaster become the challenge for development risks involve to decrease the capacity in livelihood,water sanitation and hygiene,Health and others as well. so there are two main factors which can incorporate with disaster, one is the losses of human lives and second is the abrupt changing circumstances of normal developmental program. lets to decide which one is most important to survive. Therefor the disaster risk reduction is a common phenomena and it should be inculcate in a broader subject. The culture of disaster risk reduction should have to increase in the subject matter. all the developmental program,planning and development are intact with disaster risk reduction. it is observed many time when the disaster comes more causality and losses are reported and all these are influenced by the major developmental program likewise we can take the case studies of Japan where multistory building increase the numbers of death in earthquake. in this way when we see the flood and human lives become at risk these are due to roads and canal etc.

    so keeping in view of these fact the concern is related with developmental program and these developmental infrastructure raised the risk of human lives. the development should be made in the sense to keep in mind the risk of disaster after all.
  • Hi Loy,

    On Achievements after Hyogo Framework---Development actors including Government agencies, civil society-NGOs, UN Agencies and the like tried to shift from the business as usual to DRR as a way forward. Many of Key actors now are actively dealing with DRR as a thematic area and there is now a higher understanding on the DRR concept and process however, still many are struggling to get down at the center of gravity which is the community.

    Lets make community as a reference point on what is happening at their level for us to have a scale on where are we now from the vision. My observations are: Many of the risk assessment are incomplete. It did not manage to identify the most at risk members of the community. Doing and facilitating risk assessment is a real challenge. Many are block with their tools and not clear on the conceptual understanding. Some are not properly done because facilitators are imposing and not facilitating. Some DRR measures are broad strokes and sometimes are not based from the risk assessment results. Often contingency plan is not clear and sometimes are not there/in place. Some Community organizations on DRR still needs further strengthening for their effectiveness, efficiency and sustainability. Community managed monitoring and evaluation system to measure risk reduction is still a challenge.

    For me this is a challenge. If we need to strengthen Hyogo Framework we need to look at the details of the center of gravity of DRR which is the Community.


    Rusty Binas
    Global Advisor on DRR, Cordaid
  • With all respect and, indeed, admiration, for the work that Maria has done and that DARA has developed, one has to ask WHAT HAS BEEN DONE TO DEAL WITH UNDERLYING RISK FACTORS? There are many, many, many models, frameworks, methods for analysing risk factors. But we have to ask ourselves, honesty, do our central governments have the commitment to spend what is necessary to eliminate the root causes of vulnerability? Do they have not only the financial commitment, but the political commitment when, for example, it might mean confronting corrupt land lords and bankers who allow sub-standard housing?

    Then, in addition, we have to ask ourselves in all honesty, who the UNISDR speaks for? Why does the UNISDR's list of underlying risk factors not include corruption and malfeasance by government entities that are suppose to regulate the safety of construction?

    Con todo el respeto y, de hecho, la admiración por el trabajo que María ha hecho y que DARA ha desarrollado, uno tiene que preguntarse ¿QUÉ SE HA HECHO PARA TRATAR factores de riesgo subyacentes? Hay muchos, muchos, muchos modelos, marcos, métodos para el análisis de factores de riesgo. Pero tenemos que preguntarnos a nosotros mismos, la honestidad, hacer nuestros gobiernos centrales tienen el compromiso de gastar lo que sea necesario para eliminar las causas de la vulnerabilidad? ¿Es que no sólo tienen el compromiso financiero, pero el compromiso político cuando, por ejemplo, podría significar enfrentar corruptos señores de la tierra y banqueros que permitan la infravivienda?

    Luego, además, tenemos que preguntarnos con toda honestidad, que la UNISDR habla por? ¿Por qué no la UNISDR lista de los factores de riesgo subyacentes son la corrupción y la malversación por parte de entidades gubernamentales que se supone que debe regular la seguridad de la construcción?

    Warm greetings/ saludos,


    Dr. Ben Wisner
    University College London

    Estimado Loy, considero que una de los mayores logros del MAH, en los que he tenido mayor acercamiento hasta el momento tiene que tiene que ver con la "Redución de los factores subyacentes del riesgo", en este caso, no con su reducción pero si con su conocimiento o comprensión. Tuve la oportunidad de conocer la herramienta del ICRR del DARA la cual la aplicamos a nivel México, para cada una de sus 32 entidades federativas, y en la actualidad estoy replicando y adaptando dicha metodología a una mayor escala, en la ciudad de México. Como herramienta de comprensión e identificación de procesos subyacentes del riegso es bastante manejable para las localidades y todos los actores, pero es necesario buscar una mayor aplicación en distintas escalas para validarlo a nivel local, pero sobre todo, trazar una lìnea base y dar siguimiento a las acciones tomadas a partir de los resultados de este Indicador. Por lo pronto no tengo resultados conluyentes a nivel local-urbano, en cuanto los tenga los compartiré con ustedes.

  • Reading through the first 20 responses (Cortés to Binas), an interesting trend may be emerging.

    12 of these mention activities, programmes and advances with NO MENTION of the HFA. Rather then mention a wide variety on institutions: Other UN agencies such as UNESCO and international agencies such as IFRC and DARA, bilateral and multilateral donors such as USGS and DIPECHO, a regional centre (ADPC) and humanitarian organisations such as Concern Worldwide, Safe the Children, ACTED, Handicap International, Cordaid and Oxfam GB.

    5 refer to the usefulness of the political “buzz” about DRR created at the national level; while 3 found the HFA a valuable framework for organising DRR work across sectors. Specific UNISDR co-led campaigns were also mentions: safe schools (twice) and resilient cities (once).

    Certainly one welcomes the creation of political space and visibility for DRR at the national scale as well as the availability of a flexible, comprehensive framework and specific campaign focuses. Such functions are also consistent with an UN “strategy” (the UNISDR) that by its very nature is meant to operate “top down”. But one has to wonder why these functions were not mentioned by more respondents, and, indeed, why more than half highlight activities that would have taken place if there had never been an HFA.

    Food for thought?



    Dr. Ben Wisner
    University College London
  • As a field practitioner since 2007 I observe some of the achievements since adoption of HFA 2005 in my country Pakistan which are the establishment of NDMA, PDMAs, legislation by parliament in the form of NDM Act 2010 and campaign by different national ,international organizations on CBDRM throughout the country. Though the question of sustainability of DRR initiatives is still a challenge. I have worked with different DRR projects which are executed by National , international and government but among all of them National Disaster Management Plan (NDMP) Project, a comprehensive Plan which is covering the five priorities of HFA.
  • Dear all,
    Greetings from Save the Earth.
    I think the progress made after the HFA since 2005 are significant. To me it is in two line of action: from the CSO perspectives and from government perspectives.
    The CSOs and the CSO networks have been contributing significantly. As for example; at country level - Cambodian National DRR Network, even there are networks in the sub-national levels. regional and global level like ADRRN and GNDR GDN etc. All those networks grew mainly after the HFA. There is no question, in many cases , it could fulfill the needs of the time but the progress could made are really something greater than many great progresses. i think, the challenge is the increasing trend of disasters and its intensity are much stronger than the reduction approaches. As a result, many progress are not visible.

    On the other, the national multi-stakeholder platform and local platforms etc. are truly significant in addressing not only the DRR issues but also any types of risks at national and local levels. There is no question, that the well-functioning of national platforms have not yet could be articulated as it was expected. i think, it is not HFA itself that made it slow, it is because of many other national and local causes.

    But the overall, i think, sharing information including project documents, reports, exchange visit etc. started to happen that did not happened before. Before HFA, even up to now, many government institutions consider 'response' is the only job to address disaster issues where preparedness, EWS and many other activities were not vital to them. But now, the environment has been changing............

    National, sub-national and local committees for disaster management are one of the unique product of the HAF.

    I think, in Cambodia, the disaster management system can be a good example like many other countries. The Prime Minister chairs the national committee where all line ministries and institutions are working collaboratively. Such unity in DRR issues are very important in the development efforts. The National Strategic Development Plan (NSDP) and other key policy documents of the government profoundly address the DRR issues. Each and every development project/programme have been considering the DRR issues in Cambodia. The DRR issues have been mainstreaming in the policy strategies and other line plans of action.

    In case of the disasters, we have been receiving the update regularly on the flood bulletin. Example, the flood in 2011, it affected 18 provinces out of 24. Now, Cambodian National DRR Forum has been organizing the International events like International DRR day where NCDM is facilitating the event. any disaster hits, the National DRR forum comes ahead where NCDM plays supporting role. So the Cambodian National DRR Forum has been playing a vital role in Cambodia under the overall supervision of NCDM and collaborative supports from CSOs. i am sure, many countries, many things are happening like this.

    I think, this a significant process that need to be carried out, need to be strengthened and find out further opportunities for development. There is no end of development. It is great, i learned from different comments, the success and 'opportunity for development' (i would prefer not use the word 'failure') could identified. Now, our job is to find out how to enhance/strengthen the process, what we have and what we do not have, that need to put in place to discuss and institute to reach the expected goals.

    The VFL 2009 and 2011findings show that there are a lot of needs and challenges in each and every country where the VFL took place. if no HFA, then, may be we had to wait for another decade to find out a way to learn what risks are where. i think, knowing the risks is great capacity. now we need to work to reduce the known risks.
    many thanks HFA.

    Akhteruzzaman Sano
    Save the Earth Cambodia
  • Dear All,
    Human being has been doing DRR from the very begining of civilisation, it is all those activities through which we survive. So, HFA or no-HFA we would do some activities mentioned above. But HFA has a positive role, particularly in case of sensitising the government on institutional vulnerabilities. CBDRR is an objective that NGOs can easily achieve. But, intitutional vulnerabilities(political institute and governance) is the area where political committment is necessary. In HFA, at least a political committment was there. And we can do no DRR only with bottom-up approach, to some extent there must be a top-down approach to reduce the institutional vulnerabilities. Human vulnerability is mainly a concern for political economy. Weshould analyse it from an ideological viewpoint, if we want to reduce vulnerabilities of the most vulnerable, the economicaly marginalised people.
  • Dear All, Greetings, I very well agree with some of the participants who says that HFA has given a definite direction to different DRR programs across various geographical locations. One of the participants has also mentioned that it has given a certain impetus to the DRR program and it is more like a national movement where in different stakeholders are putting their efforts towards comprehensive disaster risk reduction.

    I am associated with various DRR programs since quite sometime and some of the experiences that I would like to share with the larger community is related with HFA reporting which was navigated by the Disaster Management Bureau in Bangladesh and CDMP (the largest DRR program in Bangladesh supported by a consortiun of donors) along with NARRI (a consortium of 10 INGOs working on DRR) were handholding he whole initiative. We were one of the first ones to use the LG SAT (Local Government Self Assessment) tools tools also which is being piloted for the first time across the globe.

    Though it is not mandatory for the Government to carry out the HFA reporting but the way it has been promoted, our Government was very keen to carry it out in a scientific and proper manner.

    We are of the opinion that the HFA framework and the reporting gave all the DRR actors to come together and think in a very synchronised way. we were all speaking the same language and our mandate was to see the progress related with various parameters to enhance the resilience of the community and institutions. The HFA reports helps the Government and key actors to identify the gaps and plan for the future.

    The HFA reporting was not without challenges but it led us to think together and overcome those challenges. Some of the challenges that I would like to highlight and which can also be a lesson to other DRR community members are as follows:

    1. The HFA reporting format gives you a very general view of the progress made towards DRR in a country.

    2. It focuses on decentralized consultative process which can be possible in smaller countries but not in bigger countries.

    3. The HFA reporting format gives a very cursory look at inclusion or inclusive approach. There is no clear cut guidelines on inclusive approach and to what extent the program has been inclusive in a particular countries. I think this issue should be on the top of the agenda and there should be some very specific indicators related to it

    We are in the process of coming out with post HFA which will guide the DRR interventions and strategies for future. I would also request the policy makers and the practitioners to go in for a detailed analysis of the achievement under the HFA.

    Looking forward to a very fruitful interaction with this community

    Thanks and kind regards

  • Good day,

    The impact of HFA in Nigeria, especially within the academic circle is substantial. We now run various professional courses that train and retrain graduates in the Arts and Science of Disaster Management. It is now fully appreciated that disaster risk reduction is not a luxury but a necessity which must be incorporated in all our planning processes at both public/government and private sector levels.

    It is now fully understood that all areas of specialty ranging from Medicine (Human or otherwise), Management, Engineering, Sociology, Military, Public Administration, Accounting, Economics, Business Administration and so forth can have disaster risks reduction dimensions/bearings and can significantly contribute in creating resilient communities.

    Through our research and development activities it is now clear that disaster management/disaster risks reduction efficiencies are better achieved through mitigation and preparedness than through conventional responses approach.

    It is also apparent that Governments alone can not and must not be left alone in funding disaster management, the private sector must be involved through Corporate Social Responsibilities (CSR).

    Ismail Tijjani Idris
    Department of Business Administration
    Ahmadu Bello University Zaria,
  • Deal All,

    I'd like to share with you some achievements of Turkey after HFA that was launched in 2005. More information is also available on biennieal reports of Turkey submitted to UNISDR for reviewing of HFA.

    HFA strategic goals and PoAs have shaped the disaster management systems and approaches of many countries including Turkey. In 2009 Turkey went through a paradigm shift on disaster management structure and established Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency (AFAD) under the Prime Ministry. Previously, the roles and activities were mainly distributed among three different actors. Following this new institutional structuring, national platform of Turkey was established. A national roadmap namely the "National Earthquake Strategy and Action Plan of Turkey" was prepared in 2011 and by the beginnig of 2012, activities on the strategy have initiated. This document is a roadmap in order to reduce earthquake related activities and create earthquake resilient society by 2023. In addition, with Climate Change Strategy and Integrated Urban Development Strategy Turkey has very robust targets and actions in order to reduce disaster losses with an emphasis primarily on mitigation and preparedness.

    Risk reduction culture is becoming more popular among governmental officials, academicians and the members of civil society. The role and integariton of NGOs are increasing and this is also contributing to DRR activities to increase.

    With the implementation mechanism of HFA created by ISDR by biennial reports, many countries are having the opportunity to learn and inspire from others. I think this is very important for countries to increase their achievements on DRR issues.

    Among other DRR activities, Turkey has shown lots of progress on capacity development on monitoring and observing disaster events, archieving disasters and creating1 disaster databases, preparing robust building codes for earthquakes, strategic planning approach to some disaster types, increasing public awareness by means of different stakeholders like NGOs, universities etc.

    Kerem KUTERDEM
    Geological Engineer (M.Sc.)
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