Policies and Plans

Governance of risk plays a central role in managing disaster risk. Disaster risk reduction (DRR) strategies, in particular, are crucial for coordinating DRR implementation at both the national and local levels. They serve as the cornerstone for effective disaster risk governance and risk-informed development.

Explore this guidance if you are interested in developing a National DRR Strategy.

National and local strategies set implementation milestones, establish key roles and responsibilities, and identify technical and financial resources. At the same time, the existence of regional/sub-regional strategies and/or legally binding frameworks for disaster risk reduction acts as a significant incentive for the development of DRR strategies at national level.

This page displays regional, national and local policy documents and declarations on disaster risk, climate adaptation and resilience:

Submit a local, national, or regional policy and plan, a national legal framework, or an intergovernmental declaration.

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Policies and plans

Issued at the Council of Ministers on 3rd 27 May 2009, the Prime Minister's decree on the formation of a national committee for crises and disaster management addresses: the composition of the committee; the objectives of the committee including: i) the

Policies and plans
These three sectoral reports were produced to complete the Malaysian National slope master plan 2009-2023 with the aim of formulating a detailed, comprehensive and effective framework of policies, strategies and action plans to reduce risks from landslides on slopes nationwide. The plan included activities at the national, state and local levels in both the public and private sectors.
Policies and plans

Government in Revenue Department vide Resolution dated the 4th March 2005 has approved the State Disaster Management Policy

The focus of the Policy shall be on total risk management and vulnerability reduction by strengthening the physical

This is the cover page.
Policies and plans
This is the National Policy on Disaster Management in India from 2009. India is vulnerable, in varying degrees, to a large number of natural as well as man-made disasters.
Policies and plans

Law no. 12,187, of 29th December 2009:

This law institutes the National Policy on Climate Change - PNMC (Política Nacional sobre Mudança do Clima) and establishes its principles, objectives, directives and instruments.

Policies and plans

The National Framework for Climate Change Science (the Framework) identifies national climate change science priorities for the coming decade and sets out ways to harness the full science capacity to address them. The focus of the Framework is fundamental

Policies and plans

This climate change act of 2008 integrating the priorities of the Hyogo Framework for Action – a ten-year blueprint for reducing risks to disasters worldwide - was passed into law by the Philippine Government to address increasing climatic risks.

This act

Policies and plans

In Spanish:

Decisión número 713 del Consejo Andino de Ministros de Relaciones Exteriores:

La Estrategia Andina para la prevención y atención de desastres, adoptada el 10 de julio de 2004, a través de la Decisión 591, por el Consejo Andino de Ministros

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