Building Community Resilience through Community-Based Disaster Risk Management
To enable local civil society organisations (CSOs) and faith-based organisations (FBOs) to strengthen communities and local systems for resilience to disasters, in coordination with other actors and sectors
Provision of support via local civil society and faith-based partner organisations building community resilience through Community-based Disaster Risk Management (CBDRM) approaches. This includes empowering marginalised and vulnerable groups and improving institutional systems to enable and foster collaborative engagement in the development, communication and implementation of community and local 'disaster risk management' plans. This includes support for establishing measures, capacities and systems for improved resilience to disasters. Across all countries support is provided to establish community committees where needed or to strengthen existing structures where they exist to build their capacity to raise their voice and advocate for policies and laws supporting their resilience to disasters, shocks and stresses. In countries where resource gaps have been identified practitioner manuals will be develop and learning documented and communicated. This initiative works in collaboration with other local actors from different sectors, local authorities and national level institutions with responsibilities relating to disaster risk management, adaptation and resilience.
Did the Sendai Framework change or contribute to changes in your activities/organization? If so, how?
The HFA framework accompanied the establishment of DRR as a pillar within our institutional programming. Along with the Sendai process we have adjusted our approach to apply more resilience and systems thinking to disasters, shocks and stresses. Additional motivation comes from the fact that one of the guiding principles of the Sendai Framework requires an all-of-society engagement and partnerships for disaster risk reduction. This inclusive approach should be reflected across mechanisms and institutions for the implementation of instruments relevant to building resilience for all. The Sendai Framework also encourages better articulation of responsibilities as well as the involvement and empowerment of local actors.
What led you to make this commitment/initiative?
What was your position before making this Voluntary Commitment / prior to the Sendai Framework?
To communicate the interventions of Diakonie Katastrophenhilfe and those of our national and local civil society and faith-based partners - with the intention of fostering collaborative partnerships.
Deliverables and Progress report
Deliverables are the end-products of the initiative/commitment, which can include issuance of publications or knowledge products, outcomes of workshops, training programs, videos, links, photographs, etc.
Community-Based Disaster Risk Management Manual (comprising of 5 modules) - Spanish, Guatemala
Publication documenting CBDRM good practices and lessons learnt - English, Guatemala
Community 'DRM' Committees established having received training according to (locally) established CBDRM components and standards to enable them to reach a growth stage of maturity towards building resilience capacity for disasters, shocks and stresses. Minimum number of committees per country: Afghanistan (16), Chad (20) Pakistan (61), Guatemala (17). The establishment of committees will be demonstrated by providing documentation with details of the committees with either links to website pages featuring committee information, hyperlinks to reports, news releases, memorandum of creation, or other supporting documentation.
Porgress report
Deliverable 1: CBDRM manual produced - all modules finalised and published in January 2020. Deliverable 2: CBDRM lessons learnt document produced - Spanish & English versions of the document published in January 2020. Deliverable 3: Establishment of 100 sustainable Community DRM Committees: 104 committees established to date.
All planned activities are ongoing as planned. Deliverable 3 on establishment of Community DRM Committees will be exceeded.
Organizations and focal points
Implementing Organization(s)
- Help in Need
- Society for Human & Natural Resource Development
- Afghan Development Association
- Lutheran World Federation Chad
- Asociación de Servicios Comunitarios de Salud
- Agency for Humanitarian and Development Assistance for Afghanistan