Global Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction 2015
Making development sustainable: The future of disaster risk management

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New global data sets enable up-to-date estimates of the number of persons displaced by disasters (IDMC, 2014

IDMC (Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre). 2014,Global Estimates 2014: People displaced by disasters, September 2014. .
). The figures are not encouraging, particularly for weather-related disasters, as they show a clear upward trend over time (Figure 5.7), with 143.9 million people displaced by disasters between 2008 and 2012 alone.
Displacement is particularly associated with weather-related disasters (Figure 5.8). International estimates of displacement trends and patterns are hampered by limited data availability. Due to the multidimensional and complex dynamics of migration and displacement, quantitative projections for future trends have low confidence levels, even though there is agreement that climate change will drive future displacement and patterns of movement (IPCC, 2014

IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change). 2014,Climate Change 2014: Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerability, Working Group II. Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press.. .
; Gemenne, 2010

Gemenne, François. 2010,Climate-induced population displacements in a 4°C+ world, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A,(2011) 369: 182-195.. .
Where data is available, it highlights that disaster impacts go far beyond the immediate loss of assets. Between 2008 and 2014, for example, it is
estimated that 165 million people were displaced by disasters (IDMC, 2014

IDMC (Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre). 2014,Global Estimates 2014: People displaced by disasters, September 2014. .
While mobility, migration and displacement are sometimes consequences of disasters, they can
(Source: IDMC, 2014

IDMC (Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre). 2014,Global Estimates 2014: People displaced by disasters, September 2014. .
Figure 5.7 People displaced by disasters since 1970
(Source: IDMC, 2014

IDMC (Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre). 2014,Global Estimates 2014: People displaced by disasters, September 2014. .
Figure 5.8 People displaced due to weather-related and geophysical hazard events
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