Global Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction 2015
Making development sustainable: The future of disaster risk management

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(Torrens Resilience Institute);
P. Arbon (Torrens
Resilience Institute);
A. Attolico (Provincia di
F. Atun (Politecnico di Milano); S. Baas
H. Baba (Japan International Cooperation
C. Bach (UNU-EHS); B. Balgos (Center
for Disaster Preparedness Foundation, Inc.);
F. Ballio (Politecnico di Milano); J. Barnard (Inde-
pendent Consultant);
C. Bartels (European Cen-
tre for Disease Prevention and Control);
M. Batistella (Center of Environment Studies and
Research – NEPAM/UNICAMP; Embrapa Monito-
ramento por Satélite);
J. Beauté (European Cen-
tre for Disease Prevention and Control);
M. Bengoubou-Valerius (Bureau de Recherches
Géologiques et Minières – BRGM);
N. Berni (Civil
Protection, Italy);
J. Birkmann (United Nations
University – UNU-EHS);
R. Black (FAO); E. Brink
(Lund University);
J. Bruce (FAO); P. Bubeck
J. Burnside-Lawry (RMIT University);
C. Cabot-Venton (UNDP); J. ali (Serbian Acade-
my of Sciences and Arts);
A. Caravani (Overseas
Development Institute);
L. Carvalho (Civil Protec-
tion Municipal Service, Portugal);
A. Cavallo (Uni-
versity of Adelaide);
P. Chakrabarti (Independent
S. Chang-Rundgren (Karlstad Uni-
T. Chelidze (Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi
State University);
I. Christoplos (Danish Institute
for International Studies);
V. Chub (Centre of
Hydrometeorological Service, Uzbekistan);
M. Ciotti (European Centre for Disease Preven-
tion and Control);
E. Comba (Overseas Develop-
ment Institute);
J. Cools (Milieu Ltd); A. Coskun
(Turkish Court of Accounts);
A. Cottrell (James
Cook University);
N. Curosu (State Enterprise
Basin Water Management Authority of Moldova);
L. Cusack (Torrens Resilience Institute); S. Cutter
(University of South Carolina);
M. da Penha
Smarzaro Siqueira (Universidade Vila Velha);
T. da Silva Rosa (Universidade Vila Velha); B. de
Groot (Natural Resources Canada – Canadian
Forest Service);
L. de la Cruz (Center for Disaster
Preparedness Foundation, Inc.);
M. Di Prisco
(Politecnico di Milano);
A. Di Ruocco (Analisi e
Monitoraggio del Rischio Ambientale – AMRA);
N. Dufty (Molino Stewart Pty Ltd); M. Egener
C. Emrich (University of South Carolina);
S. Erbay (Government of Turkey); M. Evers (Bonn
University; Karlstad University);
N. Fassina
(World Society for the Protection of Animals);
N. Fernando (University of Colombo); L. Ferreira
(Center of Environment Studies and Research –
F. Ferreira Pedroso (World
A. Firdaus (James Cook University);
C. Fitzgibbon (UNDP); K. Fleming (GFZ,); M. Florin
(International Risk Governance Council);
J. Frittman (Applied Systems Thinking Institute –
S. Frye (NASA); F. Gaetani (Group on
Earth Observations);
J.C. Gaillard (University of
M. Gall (University of South Carolina);
A. Garcia-Aristizabal (Analisi e Monitoraggio del
Rischio Ambientale – AMRA);
P. Gasparini (Analisi
e Monitoraggio del Rischio Ambientale – AMRA,
K. Gebbie (Torrens Resilience Institute);
S. Giovanazzi (Resilient Organisations); P. Girot
(CARE International);
Y. Gurtner (James Cook
B. Guru (Tata Institute of Social Sci-
ences, India);
R. Haigh (University of Salford);
F. Hamdan (Disaster Risk Management Centre);
N. Harada (National Defence Medical College,
M. Haraguchi (Columbia University);
C. Harbitz (Norwegian Geotechnical Institute);
S. Hardjosuwarno (Government of Indonesia);
S. Harwood (James Cook University); K. Hayashi
(Barefoot Doctors Okinawa);
M. Hosseini (Inter-
national Institute of Earthquake Engineering and
M. Huang (National Graduate Insti-
tute for Policy Studies);
G. Huertas (World Soci-
ety for the Protection of Animals);
F. Imamura
(Tohoku University);
D. Innocenti (University of
V. Ireland (University of Adelaide);
A. Iwama (Center of Environment Studies and
Research – NEPAM/UNICAMP);
Y. Izadkhah (Inter-
national Institute of Earthquake Engineering and
P. Jackson (University of Leicester);
M. Johansson (Karlstad University); F. Kagawa
(Sustainability Frontiers);
K. Kalula (Independent
S. Kanwar (UNEP); J. Kellett (Over-
seas Development Institute);
G. Keyim (Interna-
tional Recovery Platform);
S. Kim (Columbia
D. King (James Cook University);
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